Crystals for Healing Mind Body & Spirit > Tumblestones
Crystals are not just sparkly jewels to be admired, they`re many qualities can be utilized for healing so many dis- eases of the mind body & spiritWe have so many crystals to share with you but many are not listed online yet if you are looking for a certain crystal even rare crystals be sure to contact us, we offer a bespoke service with our crystals, our Reiki, Angelic Reiki and crystal healer Tracy hand selects ever single crystal, for those that are not able to physically find a crystal Tracy can do this for you,
we also hand selects many crystals for other healers and for our healing therapy clients .
We take a lot of care and time in every listing to give you the most relevant information we can, if you do have any questions we will do our best to help you
Tumblestones are the most popular crystal for healing and can be worked with any place any time by anyone and no one need know