personally, hand selected natural lodestone. no bought in bulk stones
Lodestone healing effects on the Mind
lodestone can help us to relieve ourselves from some of the burdens that we carry, it also helps us when we have become over-attached to someone or something. it promotes objectivity and helps us to extricate ourselves from bad situations. it shows us the path in our life that we should be following and provides us with energy and the endurance we need to do so. lodestone has an "attracting" energy and helps to bring us love, power and good fortune. it is said to bring us that which we want. so be very careful what you wish for as you may get exactly that! it increases our levels of motivation and self-confidence and is useful in reducing feelings of anger, fear, confusion and grief
Lodestones healing effects on the Body
lodestone is believed to help with aches and pains in our muscles, problems with our circulatory system to boost our immune system, it is also said to help to heal with skin and hair problems it also has strengthening effects on the auric field and helps rid the body of toxins, lodestone can also be used to charge pyramids and crystal formations when placed at corners, this placement may more than double the grid power
Lodestones properties for the Spirit
an excellent stone for grounding, it aligns all the chakras much like kyanite, lodestone helps to balance out yin/yang or male/female energies. it has long been used as a talisman and amulets to protect from spells and all things evil.
lodestone also helps us to increase our ability to meditate, to be more telepathic and to see visualizations.