(also known as solar stalactite)
complete length including bale 48mm approx
pendant width 38mm approx length 35mm approx
weight 17g approx
amethyst is often a very overlooked crystal but is a very important crystal, i don't think i know anyone that doesn't have amethyst in their collection even those that don't work with crystals for healing
First time i have ever come across a crystal like this, stalactites are formed deep within on the roof of caves their birth is from little droplets of water that are so rich in minerals they begin to form small thin rings of calcite, after a few million years these rings turn into large columns of stalactites. This stalactites is extra special as amethyst has formed also grown alongside the calcite stalactites
this pendant is a polished cross section slice of this wonderful formation.
"as i sit with this amethyst stalactite flower, i feel drawn to scry within its depths, im training in mediumship and find this crystal helps me to clear my mind and anything that is troubling me very quickly helping me to get into the "zone" amethyst is such a beautiful allrounder for spiritual work,stalactite reminds us of how the little tiny steps we make towards making our lives better can start off so small we almost miss it as insignificant, but given time and dedication can build up to be strong and solid and that which was once hard to see is now visible and taking effect"