History of Imbolc lore (FEBRUARY) pagan festival sabbatposted on 29 January 2015 | posted in pagan | ( 0 ) CommentsImbolc Lore (Usually February 1st/2nd) This Sabbat marks the early beginnings of spring. The longer days rejuvinate the Goddess after giving birth to the God, and the suns new warmth brings fertility, causing the seeds of life to germinate and sprout. This Sabbat is all about new life and purification after the cold harshness of Winter. The longer days feel inspiring and fresh, and at this time of the year we celebrate Imbolc as the festival of fertility and light. This is also one of the traditional times covens take on new initiates, bringing new life to the coven as a reflection of the world finding new life Imbolc ~ Starting Clean and Clear. Imbolc originated as a Celtic fire festival that celebrated the first stirrings of spring. Its name is said to come from a word that means " in the belly", which may refer to the life beginning to sprout under the earth or to the baby lambs that are often born at this time. Magickally and practically, this is a good time for new beginnings and setting your goals for the year. Because Imbolc is also a time for cleansing and purification, consider performing a simple ritual that combines both aspects of the holiday. Imbolc, (pronounced "IM-bulk" or "EM-bowlk"), also called Oimealg, ("IM-mol'g), by the Druids, is the festival of the lactating sheep. It is derived from the Gaelic word "oimelc" which means "ewes milk". Herd animals have either given birth to the first offspring of the year or their wombs are swollen and the milk of life is flowing into their teats and udders. It is the time of Blessing of the seeds and consecration of agricultural tools. It marks the center point of the dark half of the year. It is the festival of the Maiden, for from this day to March 21st, it is her season to prepare for growth and renewal. Brighid's snake emerges from the womb of the Earth Mother to test the weather, (the origin of Ground Hog Day), and in many places the first Crocus flowers began to spring forth from the frozen earth. Also seen to be traditional upon Imbolc is, at sunset or just after ritual, to light every lamp in the house - if only for a few moments. Or, light candles in each room in honour of the Sun's rebirth. Alternately, light a kerosene lamp with a red chimney and place this in a prominent part of the home or in a window. If snow lies on the ground outside, walk in it for a moment, recalling the warmth of summer. With your projective hand, trace an image of the Sun on the snow. Foods appropriate to eat on this day include those from the dairy, since Imbolc marks the festival of calving. Sour cream dishes are fine. Spicy and full-bodied foods in honour of the Sun are equally attuned. Curries and all dishes made with peppers, onions, leeks, shallots, garlic or chives are appropriate. Spiced wines and dishes containing raisins - all foods symbolic of the Sun - are also traditional. Various other names for this Greater Sabbat are Imbolgc Brigantia (Caledonni), Imbolic (Celtic), Disting (Teutonic, Feb 14th), Lupercus (Strega), St. Bridget's Day (Christian), Candlemas, Candlelaria (Mexican), the Snowdrop Festival. The Festival of Lights, or the Feast of the Virgin. All Virgin and Maiden Goddesses are honoured at this time. Imbolg, Oimelc, Feast of Brigid, Feast of Flames, La Feill Bhride. Correspondences Deities of Imbolc: Key Action: Open and Begin Snowdrops, A sign of a New Beginning. Share this blog entry:
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